Introducing our new brand

We've had the opportunity to do some amazing work in the last year. We've worked with remarkable storytellers and changemakers. All that work has left a lasting impression and brought our mission into crystal clear focus.  

As a result, we're changing our brand to reflect our commitment to a radically different storytelling approach.

Ethical Narrative is a new vision committed to exploring and furthering an ethics-first form of documentary storytelling. One that focuses on fully supporting the stories and experiences of our storytelling participants, and furthers the conversation of how to responsibly share personal narratives in a digital landscape.  

Defining what is ethical is not always easy. Likewise, documentary storytelling can be messy, with each person and each story presenting different challenges and opportunities.

When it comes to approach, one size most certainly does not fit all. People who tell documentary stories must be nimble and adaptive. They must listen carefully to those they telling stories about and be creative in finding solutions to the challenges that occur.

We won’t always have perfect answers for the questions that arise in our work but we are making this commitment: We will create safe spaces to listen and to be heard. We will be brave in addressing the problems that are present in this space, problems such as racism, sexism, classism and lack of representation in the field of documentary filmmaking. We will work hard to create a storytelling space where people are fully supported and treated as equal partners. We will practice due diligence when reporting on any form of trauma and consult with qualified professionals on our methods.

As a production company we will create storytelling content that raises the bar for ethical storytelling.

As an educational company, we will share what we have discovered with those who want to learn a new way forward in the digital storytelling space.

We invite you to come visit our new website and see our vision for yourself. Thank you for being here!


Surviving to Thriving: Sharing Stories of Trauma Using Ethical Storytelling


A Case for Sharing Storyboards