Ethical Narrative Blog
Sharing ideas about Ethical Storytelling in the real world.
Surviving to Thriving: Sharing Stories of Trauma Using Ethical Storytelling
“The purpose of the book is to be a source of inspiration and motivation, along with a resource for survivors who read it . . . My work encourages people to feel celebrated, empowered, uplifted, safe, and confident,” Tamara says.
Introducing our new brand
We're changing our brand to reflect our commitment to a radically different storytelling experience.
A Case for Sharing Storyboards
"I greatly appreciated the opportunity to provide feedback on the storyboard planning process.” Chris Miller, storytelling participant
Case Study: Ethical Storytelling on the Streets
This was a paparazzi situation in the dead of night and I believe that the media photographers made those who were experiencing homelessness feel afraid.
Case Study: A Story with Heart
I aimed to develop a rapport with the people involved very quickly so I could get the job done by deadline.
But in reality, if someone cannot give another person a proper amount of their time and attention, there’s a limit to how much goodwill will be generated.